钢结构安装Installation of Steel Structures
适用的控制措施 Applicable Control Measures |
已说明 Indicated √ |
遵守格栅安装和拆除许可作业要求 Abidance by the job permit of assembly/disassembly of grillage. |
按循序进行作业 – 安装下一层楼梯或梯子前,在平台上安装好所有的扶手和铺板 Job in sequence – installation completion of all rails and planks before installation the next layer staircase or ladder. 如果缺少部件,要安装临时的铺板/扶手/盖板 In the absence of components, temporary planks/rails/covers should be erected. |
检查你的安全带并确保它合身。如果发现任何缺陷或损坏要通知你的主管 Check your life belt for fitting you. Notify your supervisor as soon as there is any defects or failures found. |
在高处作业时要始终系上你的安全带。 一个挂钩钩住 – 另一个挂钩脱开 – 一个挂钩再钩住 – 另一个挂钩再脱开! 100%系挂 – 尽可能使用在你腰部以上的锚固点 Tie your life belt where working at height. One hook is hitched – the other one is unhitched – one hook is hitched again – the other one is unhitched again! 100% are tied or hitched – the anchor point above your waist is used as far as possible. |
如果没有适当的锚固点 – 停止作业 – 回去通知你的主管 If there is no appropriate anchor point – cease job – notify your supervisor. |
如果在露天钢结构上作业,使用网状编结带以使你更自由的走动 When job on steel structures in the open air, use netted knotted knotted strip for freely walk. |
如果在未完工的平台上作业,要安装救生绳/限制绳并将安全带始终挂在绳上。 When job on uncompleted platform, life-saving rope/limit rope should be used and life belt should always be tied in the rope. |
确保在你作业的区域下面有适当的防护栏 –随着作业进展移动防护栏。警告在你下方的人员离开。 Ensure that there is a proper guard rail under your job area – the guard rail may be moved with job progression. Warn people under you for clearing off. |
在工具有掉落到下面的危险的地方,应始终将工具缚牢在吊绳上。 Where there is a hazard that tools probably fall, the tools should be always tied up the rope. |
不要将螺帽和螺栓放在作业平台,格栅或网状钢结构上 – 应将它们放入工具袋或桶中。 Never put screw caps and bolts in jog platform, grillage or netted structures – should put them in a kit bag or barrel. |
移动或滑动格栅就位于露天钢构件上前,要始终将绳索一端连接到格栅上,另一端连接到一个可靠的锚固点上 Before moving or sliding grillages for position in an open steel structure, must always connect one end of rope the grillage, connect the other end to a firm anchor point. |
格栅一旦就位,就要用铁丝绑扎固定,不要使格栅处于未固定状态 Once the grillage is in place, bind it securely with iron wire, never allow the grillage to be in unfirm condition. |
就位/抬起钢构件时要注意到可能的夹持点 When positioning/lifting steel structures, must pay attention to possible nipping points. |
焊接电缆线和气体软管要远离走道和楼梯 When welding cable wires and gas hoses, must keep away from walkways & staircases. |
一边作业一边清洁作业区域 As job is being carried out, housekeeping should be done in the job area. |
向你的主管人员报告任何事故,事件,不安全行为或不安全状况 Any incident & event, unsafe act or unsafe condition should be reported to your supervisor. |
吊具、倒链、钢丝绳有任何缺陷/损坏,要立即向你的主管人员报告 As soon as any defect/failure is found in sling, chain hoist, or steel cable, should immediately report to your supervisor. |
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