


Responsibilities of safety & environmental protection
1. 汇总编制年、季安全环保工作计划,并组织检查监督有关部门的落实情况
To collect yearly, quarterly plans of safety and environmental protection, and organize relevant departments to inspect and supervise its implementation.
2. 组织有关部门和单位制定、修改安全环保管理制度,并监督检查执行情况
To organize relevant departments and units enacting or amending the related management systems. Supervise and inspect its implementation.

3. 制止和纠正违章指挥和违章冒险作业,对重大事故隐患下达安全生产指令书
To check and rectify illegal command and operations. Instructions for production safety must be made to major potential cause of an accident

4. 随时掌握安全生产动态,定期组织不同形式,不同范围的安全检查,加强对重点危险源的检查,督促落实预防措施
To master the development of production safety at any moment, organize security check with different forms and areas regularly. Strengthen the inspection of key sources of danger and inspect and supervise the implementation of preventive measures.

5. 负责对员工(包括新进民工)的三级安全教育。安全生产,环境保护,劳动保护的宣传教
To be responsible for safety educations of personnel (including new comers) which include production safety, environmental protection and labor protection.



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责任编辑 :蓝泽 (易 安 网 版 权 所 有 ,未 经 授 权 禁 止 使 用 ,不 能 转 载 ! )
