1. 吊装20吨以上的钢结构和其他物品;或50吨以上的水泥基础预制块和集装箱。
Lifts over 20T for steel structures and other items and 50T for per cast concrete units and containers.
2. 超过起重设备载荷能力90%的起重作业(使用荷载表的75%)。
Lifts exceeding 90% of crane capacity (using 75% charts).
3. 使用扁担和(或)4个以上吊耳的起吊作业。
Lifts with spreader bars\beams and \or more than four lifting points.
4. 在起重机上使用超起的起重作业。
Lifts using super lift on the cranes.
5. 使用两台或以上吊装设备的吊装作业。
Lifts using two or more cranes.
6. 越过、穿过或临近正在运作的设备或重要设备的起吊作业。
Lifts made over,across or close to live or critical facilities.
7. 吊车就位靠近或在地下设施上的起吊作业。
Lifts with crane positioned very close to or on underground utilities.
8. 履带吊负载行走,地面倾斜度大于0.5%或0.3度的起吊作业。
Lifts with crawler cranes moving with load on ground with gradient more than 0.5% or 0.3 degrees.
9. 载人起吊作业(使用吊篮)。
Lifts where personnel are load (use of man basket).
Lifts from marine vessel / barge.
Crane locations, movements, lifts near high tension lines. The location /movement of crane from HT lines NOT to exceed recommended safe limit.
Loads with centre of gravity above lift points or high centre of gravity which might result in tipping of load.
Any lifting for which a formalized and justified risk assessment states it is a critical one because of the hazards and the exposure to the identified hazards.