Working at Height 高处作业
In order to perform a safe job and avoid injury, strictly observe these 10 rules
O Every fall hazard shall be considered even if < 1.8m They shall be identified through the Job Safety Analysis (JSA).
O 应该考虑每一个坠落危险,即便是低于1.8米。坠落隐患应借助“工作安全分析”进行辨识。
O Every job at and above 1.8m of height is considered as Work at Height and shall comply with the relevant specification and standard.
O 每个高于1.8米的作业都应视为高处作业,并严格遵守相应规范和标准。
O Collective fall protection is preferred. Never modify or remove a part of collective fall protection, e.g. a scaffold handrail, without approval of a competent and designated person.
O 优先选择集体坠落防护设施,未经专职人员许可决不能修改或移走集体防护设施中的部件,比如:脚手架护栏。
O Scaffold or elevated work platforms shall be tagged and certified for use by a competent person.
O 脚手架或高空作业平台应由专人鉴定后挂牌方可使用。
O People working at height must be trained and competent.
O 高处作业人员必须经过专门培训并能胜任该工作。
O For Work at Height outside collective fall protection, an approved full body safety harness and lanyards are required. The lanyard shall be hooked to a suitable anchor point at all times.
O 对于集体坠落防护设施外的高处作业,要求佩戴全身式双挂钩安全带,挂绳上的挂钩必须时刻挂扣在适当的挂点上。
O Barricades shall be erected to identify areas with overhead work.
O 高处作业面下方应隔离围闭。
O Use of man-lifts requires a designated driver and spotter. Operator(s) shall be secured to, and stay inside the equipment at all times.
O 按要求由专业人员驾驶登高车并设观察员监护,操作人员时刻都要牢靠挂扣安全带并确保停留在操作平台内。
O Ladders are not to be used as a work platform. Ladders should be leant to and attached to structure or equipment and must be a minimum of 1m longer for safe access/egress.
O 不允许在梯子上作业,梯子必须超出被依靠结构或设备1米长且只能作为安全通道使用。
O Tools should be securely fastened and/or safety nets provided to protect workers from falling objects.
O 高处作业所使用的工具需安全地绑住或使用安全网来防止人员因物体坠落被砸伤。